Downeast Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative

About This Grant:

Through the Downeast Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative, Healthy Acadia, Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center, and the Christine B. foundation will work together with partners throughout Washington County to implement a robust colorectal cancer screening program in order to reduce incidence of colorectal cancers and reduce morbidity and mortality related to colorectal cancers.

Specifically, we will build on our current Downeast Cancer Patient Navigation Program, a partnership of many organizations and individuals, co-led by the Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center, the Christine B. Foundation and Healthy Acadia, to implement evidence-based activities, including: 1) Coordinating educational and media campaigns; 2) launching a barrier removal fund for colorectal cancer screenings; 3) supporting primary care providers to implement best practices for screenings; and 4) assessing, planning and implementing additional policy, systems and environmental changes to improve access to, and quality of, colorectal cancer screenings in Washington County.

Colorectal Cancer


Year Grant Title Category Amount Grant Recipient
2020 COVID-19 Response Grant Patient Support $5,000 Healthy Acadia
2020 COVID-19 Response Grant #2 Patient Support $5,000 Healthy Acadia
2019 Downeast Cancer Patient Navigation across the Continuum of Care Access to Care, Patient Navigation $111,368 Healthy Acadia
2019 Downeast Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative Colorectal Cancer, Screening $100,000 Healthy Acadia
2018 General Operating Support Access to Care, Prevention, Screening, Tobacco $50,000 Healthy Acadia
2017 General Operating Support Patient Navigation, Patient Support, Prevention $50,000 Healthy Acadia
2017 Reducing Tobacco Use in Downeast Maine Prevention, Tobacco $75,477 Healthy Acadia
2022 Downeast Cancer Patient Navigation Across the Continuum of Care Access to Care, Patient Navigation $130,000 Healthy Acadia
2021 Downeast Cancer Screening Initiative Screening $40,000 Healthy Acadia


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