Maine Cancer Foundation (MCF) is dedicated to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine. 100% of the funds we raise are invested back into our communities to benefit the people of Maine.
Reduce cancer & mortality rates
100% of funds stay in Maine
MCF leads a statewide endeavor to foster and grow the most promising and effective cancer-fighting efforts available to the people of Maine through a combination of grant-based financial support and coalition building.
Provide financial
Cancer has a critical impact in Maine. Our cancer rates are higher than the national average, and it is the leading cause of death in our state – killing more than 3,000 people each year. We know that 1 in 3 Mainers will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, with about 8,600 being newly diagnosed each year – more than the population of Freeport!

Maine's cancer rates are higher than the national average
Newly diagnosed cancer patients each year
We also know that we can change the story of cancer in Maine. Nearly 50% of all cancers can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices and 100% of people facing cancer need access to the best care Maine can provide, no matter where they live or how much money they make.
Nearly 50% of all cancers can be prevented
100% of people facing cancer should have access to the best care Maine can provide
MCF is dedicated to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine. 100% of the funds we raise are invested back into our communities to benefit the people of Maine. To achieve this our work centers on 3 pillars:
Foster Cancer Prevention
We know that the best way to beat cancer is to prevent it from occurring at all. MCF supports statewide prevention efforts, focusing on smoking, healthy lifestyles, and preventable care.
Increase Early Detection & Screening
We know that finding cancer early, when it's most treatable and beatable, saves lives. MCF supports programs that improve and increase early detection and screening efforts.
Improve Patient Outcomes
We believe that every Mainer deserves access to the best possible care, regardless of income or geography
We impact these three areas by targeting our grant making to issues of greatest need, fostering a dedicated community of those impacted by cancer, and convening a statewide network of people working together to find solutions.
MCF is able to invest in the most effective cancer-fighting work in Maine through your support. Consider joining us by making a donation, by participating in one of our fundraising events, or by joining Maine’s Impact Cancer Network.