Transportation Barriers

Did you know that over half of the oncologists in Maine are in Cumberland County? 

As one of the most rural states in the country, many cancer patients live far away from treatment providers, and access to care may become a significant barrier to recovery.

transportation barriers

For over a decade, Maine Cancer Foundation has provided funding for transportation programs that offer assistance to cancer patients statewide. But we believe there is more we can do. 

Here are the big questions we've been asking: 

  1. What transportation resources currently exist?
  2. What costs are associated with transportation?
  3. Is there system-level change that can happen to eliminate this barrier for cancer patients?

Local evaluation firm, Market Decisions Research, is addressing these questions and more through a needs assessment of available transportation support services for cancer patients in Maine. Here's what it will do:

  1. Describe the scope of transportation services that currently exist for cancer patients
  2. Discuss the barriers and costs associated with transportation in Maine
  3. Showcase the gaps in transportation services
  4. Assess the need for transportation resources for cancer patients
  5. The needs assessment will be available later this summer and we look forward to sharing the findings. 

In late spring, we held the Maine Cancer Transportation Summit. Transportation providers and Mainers affected by cancer were in attendance as we discussed potential solutions for improving transportation options for cancer patients. Below, find the slides, attendee list, and Maine's Impact Cancer Network's Listening Report:

Maine Cancer Transportation Summit 

Learn more about Maine Cancer Foundation's current transportation grants:

View the proposals and organizations we are currently funding

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