MICN's 2017 Plan

In 2016, Maine Cancer Foundation announced a statewide initiative, led by a cross-sector Leadership Roundtable, to address the high rates of cancer in Maine. The Collective Impact framework was adopted as a model for the Cancer Network to strategically and collaboratively create system-wide change. Through a series of community conversations with those who are directly and indirectly impacted by cancer, we will identify what is currently working in our state and the gaps that must be addressed as we move towards a healthier Maine. The Cancer Network's goal is to present a community plan, implemented from shared tools and data that will help us measure progress. In order for the plan to be effective, we are looking for community buy-in and a commitment to carry the work forward!

As we move into 2017, the Cancer Network will continue to:

• Schedule and hold community conversations
• Determine what data is available for measuring progress
• Work with stakeholders on the ground to develop small projects to practice working together

On May 18, 2017, the Cancer Network will share a draft of the community plan with stakeholders at Maine Cancer Foundation’s Challenge Cancer annual conference. 

If you’re interested in hosting or attending a community conversation, or want to learn more ways to get involved in the collective impact work of Maine’s Impact Cancer Network, contact Program Manager Heather Drake, at heather@mainecancer.org.
MICN Logo 2017

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