General Operating Support

About This Grant:

The Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center addresses the needs of cancer patients to live functioning lives and the needs of patients’ families and caregivers through support and education.  Our organization provides the numerous resources that are frequently needed through all stages of cancer: patient navigators, transportation services, healthy lifestyle assistance, group support, stress reduction assistance, and patient educational materials.  

The services we provide help to serve a population with both high cancer incidence and mortality rates.  From 2007-2011, the incidence rate of all cancers in Downeast Public Health District was 525.1 per 100,000 people (Maine rate = 500.1 and US rate = 453).  As for the mortality rate for all cancers from 2007-2011, the rate in Downeast Public Health District was 186.1 per 100,000 people (Maine rate =185.5, and the US rate = 169). In addition to the high cancer incidence and mortality rates in Downeast Maine, there is a deficiency of cancer treatment and prevention services available to the population.  Many individuals are incapable of accessing these resources due to unawareness of services, location of services, transportation complications, nonexistent support systems, and financial issues. 

The needs of our clients as well as their families and caregivers are important.  By providing vital cancer care and prevention resources, we are aiding in improving their quality of life.  Quality of life is amended through eliminating obstacles that individuals frequently encounter throughout the cancer care process, improving both their health and happiness.  Those who do not receive what they require to navigate through the cancer care process could experience a decrease in quality of life.  To prevent this from occurring, the Beth C. Wright Cancer Center is here to help those affected by cancer by making sure they have the resources necessary for living healthy lives.

Access to Care
Patient Support


Year Grant Title Category Amount Grant Recipient
2024 Patient Support Patient Support $10,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2023 Access to Cancer Treatment Access to Care, Transportation $60,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2023 General Operating Support Operating, Patient Support $60,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2020 COVID-19 Response Grant Patient Support $8,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2020 COVID-19 Response Grant #2 Patient Support $5,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2020 General Operating Support Operating, Patient Support $25,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 Access To Cancer Treatment Access to Care, Transportation $60,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 General Operating Support Access to Care, Patient Support $30,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 The Healing Circle: Skills for Reclaiming Wholeness on the Cancer Journey Maine's Impact Cancer Network, Survivorship $8,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 Virtual Support Group: Finding Your Way Forward Access to Care, Patient Support $9,800 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center


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