Access to Cancer Treatment

About This Grant:

Cancer patients in Hancock and Washington counties must travel long distances to get to the major treatment Center in Brewer. Through its financial assistance program, the Beth C. Wright Center eases the financial and emotional stresses of accessing cancer treatments for people living with cancer in Hancock and Washington counties. In addition to providing funds for transportation directly to cancer patients, Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center will conduct outreach and work to coordinate efforts among transportation providers in Washington and Hancock counties.

Access to Care
Patient Support


Year Grant Title Category Amount Grant Recipient
2024 Patient Support Patient Support $10,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2023 Access to Cancer Treatment Access to Care, Transportation $60,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2023 General Operating Support Operating, Patient Support $60,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2020 COVID-19 Response Grant Patient Support $8,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2020 COVID-19 Response Grant #2 Patient Support $5,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2020 General Operating Support Operating, Patient Support $25,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 Access To Cancer Treatment Access to Care, Transportation $60,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 General Operating Support Access to Care, Patient Support $30,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 The Healing Circle: Skills for Reclaiming Wholeness on the Cancer Journey Maine's Impact Cancer Network, Survivorship $8,000 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center
2019 Virtual Support Group: Finding Your Way Forward Access to Care, Patient Support $9,800 Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center


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