We know that finding cancer early, when it is most treatable and beatable, saves lives. This month, we're partnering with Town & Country Federal Credit Union to Check Maine.
Explore the resources below and speak with your provider about getting screened!
Women aged 40-74 get a screening mammogram now, and every two years.
Women aged 40-49 talk with your doctor about when to begin screening.
Women aged 21-65 get a Pap test every three years.
Women aged 30-65 get a Pap test with a human papillomavirus (HPV) test (cotesting) every 5 years.
All adults get screened starting at age 45, and continue until age 75.
If you have a family history of colon cancer, talk to your doctor about when to start.
- If you’re 50 or older and have a history of heavy smoking, ask your doctor about lung cancer screening.
(These screening recommendations for breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer are provided by the U.S Preventative Services Task Force.)
Other Resources:
American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer
National Cancer Institute Screening Information