Transportation = Access to Care

Cancer survivor gets love



Thanks to our generous donors, summer road trips saved Beth’s life. 

How is that?  Well, Beth’s road trips were not to Acadia or Rangeley, but to her cancer treatments in Portland and Boston from her home in Hancock.  And our donors made them possible. 

When Beth received her cancer diagnosis, her doctor explained the best course of treatment – but it wasn’t available where she lives in Hancock, or even in Bangor, an hour away. Her treatment required frequent trips to Portland and occasionally Boston, where she sometimes needed to spend the night.

Luckily, our supporters made sure that Beth could travel to her treatment, and stay overnight when necessary.

With your help, Beth had a volunteer driver who would take her to Bangor 4 days a week. You also ensured that Beth could get round-trip bus tickets from Bangor to Boston or Portland. And when needed, your support covered the cost of her overnight stays in Boston. 

Thanks to our donors, Beth was able to choose the best treatment for her cancer.  She was able to access the best possible care, without adding to the financial burden cancer had on her family.

You are part of ensuring that every Mainer like Beth can get the treatment they need, regardless of where they live or how much they earn.  And getting the right treatment makes all the difference.

Each dollar you’ve given has been reinvested in our state to make sure your friends and neighbors know how to prevent cancer, how to get screened, and how to get the best care should they be diagnosed with cancer.  And every patient like Beth is grateful for your generosity.

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