MCF Attends MPHA Annual Meeting

On Tuesday, October 17th, Maine Cancer Foundation (MCF) staff members joined 360 public health professionals at one of our favorite events of the year: the Maine Public Health Association’s (MPHA) Annual Meeting.

Maine Cancer Foundation (MCF) is a proud sponsor of this Annual Meeting for what it offers to our public health colleagues – a place to learn from and connect with one another. We recognize that our mission of reducing cancer incidence and mortality in Maine, would not be possible without the valuable work of our public health colleagues and we were proud to be a part of providing a platform where colleagues come together for collaboration and shared learning.

We were glad to present the recently completed Transportation Needs Assessment for Maine Cancer Patients, a study we commissioned in conjunction with our colleague from Market Decisions Research. It is our hope that the Assessment will serve as a resource for organizations and grant applicants who want to know more about transportation challenges for cancer patients as we work together to explore possible solutions. We urge you to read the Assessment on our site and encourage you to contact us to share your experience.

At the conclusion of the day, Maine Cancer Foundation participated on a Funder’s Panel. During the conversation, Aysha Sheikh, our Director of Programming, encouraged colleagues in the audience to reach out to Maine Cancer Foundation with new ideas for innovative public health projects and to learn more about the exciting work happening with the Foundation’s membership and task forces.

Public health solutions are an essential component of reducing cancer in our State and we are grateful for our creative and hard-working colleagues. Through various initiatives like physical activity programs, nutrition classes, and reducing environmental risks that contribute to cancer, public health workers are making a significant difference in our State.

Maine Cancer Foundation is grateful to be able to fund public health initiatives that work to reduce the impact of cancer in our State and we applaud the commitment and passion of our peers. Together we can change the story of cancer in Maine.

Aysha MPHA

#togetherwecan #challengecancer2020

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